Are You Settling?
I've been thinking about the concept of settling a lot lately. I'm someone that dreams big dreams, but there are moments where the dreams seem less possible, where I find myself wavering, and wondering if it's easier just to settle into mediocrity. I've noticed that most people expect mediocrity. I've noticed that sharing big dreams with the wrong people can be hurtful to your soul. There are those who will think it's ridiculous to dream big. They will make you feel like you are being too extravagant or expecting too much. They will tell you so directly or just simply begin reacting in a hostile way. Realize that they do this, because if they were to accept your dreams and desires as possible, they would have to challenge themselves and mediocrity too. But be careful. Don't walk away with their words whispering to you, that you're being ridiculous or unreasonable or expecting too much. You're not. You deserve the very best, so much more than you can probably even imagine. Everyone does. And each person is responsible for creating her own destiny and manifesting her own magical dreams.