
Synchronicity: Embracing Traditional Healing

Me about to participate in a sweat lodge ceremony in Mexico, summer of 2001 I meant to share this earlier when it happened in May, but better late than never, right? I’ve  just recently decided that I want to share little moments like this with you more often: synchronicities, lucid dream experiences, manifestations, dreams that come true, etc. These are important, because they are all part of the journey towards living a fully authentic life in your purpose. So this past May, I decided that I was finally ready to commit to six weeks of acupuncture.  I was serious, so I decided I wanted to work with Dr. Burgoon–he’s an acupuncturist who also has a background as a medical doctor.  I met him as an undergraduate at West Chester University, where I took a course with him on Traditional Chinese Medicine  in the summer of 2001.

My Experience With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment that many people are curious about for countless health issues. I decided to give it a try myself in order to manage my stress levels, and acid reflux as a result of stress. For those of you who are curious about it, I have decided to share my experience. I believe so many people are open to the idea, but are a bit turned off about being stuck with needles. And you may be one of them, wondering if it's worth it. That's how I felt about it for a long time. I have thoroughly believed in the practice of acupuncture for many years. Especially after taking a course called Traditional Chinese Medicine when I was in college. The course required each student to present a research study on the effectiveness of acupuncture. It was amazing how much scientific research there was out there at the time!

By | December 10th, 2010|Categories: Random Inspiration|Tags: |11 Comments