
Why Visibility is Important

In the last video I made, I shared with you my journey about how I’m allowing myself to be more visible. My desire to be more visible is two-fold: 1) I want to express myself authentically and not be afraid to be seen 2) I also want to share my knowledge and connect with you—and I can’t do that if I’m afraid to express myself, especially on line. In this article, I want to share with you why visibility is important and 3 Insights to help you if being visible or receiving criticism is a fear.

By | March 8th, 2013|Categories: Random Inspiration|Tags: , , |12 Comments

Overcoming Visibility Fears

A really big priority for me in 2013 is embracing the arts and allowing myself to share visibly. I’ve spent too many years not making it a priority and it’s time to change that! When I was a little girl I always wanted to be involved in movies and theater performances. I used to even write my own movie scripts, find neighbors to film them, and then act in them with my friends. But then around the time I entered middle school, I started to worry more about what other people thought of me. I started to feel shy and dim my light, because I didn’t want to be seen. I’m just starting to explore the world of acting, modeling, and dance performance again. It’s amazing how opportunities seem to come out of nowhere as soon as there is this energetic shift within! It was around the time that I started Coaching With Christina, that I realized I was going to have to get comfortable with being visible–sharing my stories, videos, pictures, etc. This realization was scary, but also liberating. It means being vulnerable and open to criticism, but also opens up a whole new world of creativity. The truth is, not allowing yourself to be visible can actually hold  you back from reaching more people and sharing what you have to offer. And I’m starting to learn that so many people struggle with allowing themselves to be seen on line. That’s why I made this video–hope it inspires you to share if you’re feeling afraid of criticism too.

By | February 17th, 2013|Categories: Random Inspiration|Tags: , , |15 Comments