
The Three Layers in Every Conversation

There is so much happening in every interaction that is beneath the surface. So often communication goes awry, because we are not consciously aware of what is truly being communicated in a conversation. Have you ever stopped to think about the many layers that exist in a conversation? Have you ever had an argument with someone and you just weren't really sure exactly where or why it turned ugly? Or maybe you walked away with a strange feeling after a conversation that you didn't feel during the conversation (like maybe you felt good during the conversation, but afterwards you're not quite sure it went as well as you thought it did?) If you want to be a better communicator, it is really important to be aware of the conversation you are having beneath the conversation. There is so much more being said than just words, and often the true statement a person is making is not even in the words. The three layers taking place in every conversation are: 1) Verbal 2) Body language 3) Intention

By | April 6th, 2011|Categories: Love and Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Three Layers in Every Conversation

How to Communicate With Yourself

If you start to pay attention to your own internal dialogue, you will start to notice patterns emerge. You may find that you have different "parts" within yourself reacting to a given situation, and they can even be in conflict. Some examples are your masculine versus feminine side, your doing versus being side, your inner optimist versus your inner pessimist, your heart versus your mind, etc. They could even be parts of other people incoporated into your self such as a parent or your inner child. Since there is more than one way/perspective to look at things, it is inevitable that you will experience inner conflict at some point between two sides or perspectives within you. I've noticed that communication that takes place inside of you can often mirror the way you communicate with a real person in the same situation.

By | December 15th, 2010|Categories: Random Inspiration|Tags: |Comments Off on How to Communicate With Yourself