How to Return to Your Holistic Business After a Break

When it comes to your  holistic business or any project you’re working on, of course it’s important to stay in the flow and keep the momentum going. But what if you’ve taken some time off to focus on a second job or business? Maybe to study, have a child, take care of a family member, or just get clear about which direction you’re heading? Jumping back into your business after being away for a few months can be daunting. What if your vision of who you are and the work you do has changed? How do you pick up from where you left off? You may have noticed that I’ve been MIA for a few months here on the blog. Last December, I felt inspired to move back to Philly from the surburbs (what I call like to call the country). Within weeks of feeling that inspiration and trying a new manifesting technique, I effortlessly manifested my ideal apartment! Ideal for me, because the price was right in a beautiful neighborhood with a private garden and some newly renovated additions.  Plus a good friend and colleague lives right upstairs from me. The whole experience was so amazing I almost can’t even believe it, but this cute little home is now my reality. Here’s one of my windows in my new home with some of my favorite little art pieces. I’m looking forward to creating a garden view out the window as the weather gets warmer!