
How to Use Affirmations So They Really Work: Tip #1

Targeted Affirmation Tip #1: Creating Intentions: Intend to Have What You Want In recent years, there has been a lot of backlash against affirmations. Many people believe that they don't really work. I believe the reason for this is because many people tried what seemed like a great idea, didn't do it quite right, and then became discouraged. I'm actually one of those people! I've been getting a lot of questions about affirmations lately, so I decided to revisit this topic. My Personal Affirmation Failure I started using affirmations when I was in the seventh grade. I remember having a small book about positive thinking that recommended using affirmations to feel happier and more relaxed. I was feeling very sad and anxious at the time, and repeating the affirmations really wasn't working for me. I remember reading affirmations to myself like: "I feel good" "I deserve to feel good" "I feel relaxed" And they really didn't help me to feel any better. In fact, reading the affirmations frustrated me. I would say the affirmation and just feel worse, because it didn't match what I was actually feeling. It felt shallow somehow, like I was trying to fix something within me on a surface level without digging deeper. Have you ever had this experience using affirmations? Maybe our society and knowledge of how to use techniques like this is evolving, because I don't remember ever reading anything about how affirmations don't work, when I was younger. Everyone just seemed so excited to have a new technique to use. There wasn't a whole lot of talk about how to do it correctly, so that it actually works. Why Affirmations Don't Work (Sometimes)

By | June 10th, 2011|Categories: Manifesting|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on How to Use Affirmations So They Really Work: Tip #1

The Three Layers in Every Conversation

There is so much happening in every interaction that is beneath the surface. So often communication goes awry, because we are not consciously aware of what is truly being communicated in a conversation. Have you ever stopped to think about the many layers that exist in a conversation? Have you ever had an argument with someone and you just weren't really sure exactly where or why it turned ugly? Or maybe you walked away with a strange feeling after a conversation that you didn't feel during the conversation (like maybe you felt good during the conversation, but afterwards you're not quite sure it went as well as you thought it did?) If you want to be a better communicator, it is really important to be aware of the conversation you are having beneath the conversation. There is so much more being said than just words, and often the true statement a person is making is not even in the words. The three layers taking place in every conversation are: 1) Verbal 2) Body language 3) Intention

By | April 6th, 2011|Categories: Love and Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Three Layers in Every Conversation