Your Guide to Perfectionist Rehab
Perfectionism is a sneaky little devil that can wreak havoc on your life if you're not aware of it! Last week I shared how perfectionism has been an issue for me, and why it's important to get it under control. This week I'm sharing with you my favorite tools to keep perfectionism from getting in the way. Step 1) Assess Your Perfectionism If you're a perfectionist, you probably already know it. But what you may not be aware of is the degree to which your standards are unrealistic or how this could be getting in your way. One reason this is true, is because perfectionists tend to pay attention to experiences that confirm their beliefs and ignore information that does not support them. We tend to remember mistakes rather than successes, and are more likely to interpret ambiguous/neutral information in a way that supports our beliefs. So to get started, we really want to take a look at our perfectionistic thoughts and behaviors and explore them--really get to know them.