Okay, you already know creative visualization is a powerful tool.

You know it’s a great way to get clarity about what you want and experience your desire before you try it out “for real.”

You also get that it’s supposed to generate a vibration to bring what you desire towards you…

But what if you’ve been trying and trying and it’s not working for you???

No need to fret–one possible solution here 😉

Today I want to introduce you to my guest poster and founder of The Prosperity Zoneâ„¢ Patricia Gozlan. I met Patricia on a  Facebook group we’re both a part of called The Women of Facebook, a very supportive community of women entrepreneurs.

I felt an immediate connection with her and her message, and I know you will find what she has to say valuable as well.

She is a certified Coach in NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and is here today to explain one reason your creative visualization efforts may not be working as well as they could be.

Check out her video: How to Use Creative Visualization: Mistake #3


In this video I share the 3rd Most Common Mistake people make when using creative visualization to achieve their goals (to start with Mistake #1 click here).

The 3rd Mistake: Being Obsessed With the Results!

Sometimes, the more obsessed you are with a goal the less you believe you can achieve it.

You might actually be pushing away the desired result by trying to force something to happen…

In order to help yourself believe it and achieve it, one good tip is to start small.

By simply maintaining a mental picture of the desired result, you can trick your mind into thinking it has already been achieved and relax.

The key is to stay focused on your desires and surrender your attachment to the outcome.

If you are stuck in a plateau in your life or your business, you are invited to join Patricia’s list here:


Leave a comment below if you can relate to this mistake and please share any tips you have for improving your creative visualization practice!

For other articles about creative visualization, check out: How Detailed Does Your Visualization Need to Be? Part I

and What are the Exact Steps for Visualizing Healing and Change?

 Patricia Gozlan Patricia Gozlanis the founder of The Prosperity Zone™ and

L’ Officina della  Prosperita ™ site and system.

 She is a certified Coach in NLP and in energy psychology techniques. She also coaches in 5 languages.

 Patricia helps healers do the inner work to improve the outer work they are doing with their own clients, so they can prosper.

 Her approach is unique, because she connects  heart to heart in a healing way to open the flow of prosperity.