
What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a word we’re hearing increasingly often, because of its value for managing a variety of physical and mental health problems. However, what does being mindful mean and how can mindfulness help us attain greater wellness? Understanding Mindfulness The principle of mindfulness comes from Buddhism and was designed to help followers understand themselves, train their minds for the better, and free themselves of unhelpful thoughts that hold them back. It is possible to do this by focusing on our thoughts, feelings, and environment in the present moment, without distraction to the past or future, and not judging the way we think or feel. There are four main aspects of mindfulness:

Why Meditation is So Helpful for Highly Sensitive People

Highly sensitive people *especially* benefit from taking time the to meditate, because it offers a break from too much sensory stimulation, and the space to be at peace with what is left over.  It is one of the most powerful tools available (and free!) for creating a life of magic and miracles, while on the journey to fulfilling the soul’s purpose.

What is Mindfulness?

Defining Mindfulness If you've ever wondered exactly what mindfulness is, you've come to the right place. First, let me start with a basic dictionary definition. Mindfulness is defined by Webster's dictionary as: bearing in mind, aware, inclined to be aware and by the Oxford English dictionary as: a state or quality of being mindful, attention and also intention, purpose It is the underlying theme of all the areas that I practice and coach clients on for self-improvement and healing. It is how I approach my own life. What Mindfulness Is to Me To go one step further I'll explain what mindfulness means to me personally. For me, it is simply being aware in the present moment. It sounds very simple and basic, but this really applies to so many things! When you practice mindfulness in your daily life, you are completely in touch with what is happening in the present. Because time is relative, you may find that the true experience of mindfulness is not just a sense of the present moment, but a sense of no time or all time. It is a state of being connected to a deeper truth where no illusion is present.

By | April 8th, 2011|Categories: Random Inspiration|Tags: , |3 Comments