
Why Meditation is So Helpful for Highly Sensitive People

Highly sensitive people *especially* benefit from taking time the to meditate, because it offers a break from too much sensory stimulation, and the space to be at peace with what is left over.  It is one of the most powerful tools available (and free!) for creating a life of magic and miracles, while on the journey to fulfilling the soul’s purpose.

Manifest Meditation: A Technique to De-Stress from the Holidays and Set Intentions for the New Year

The holidays are such a stressful time of year, because in addition to everything you normally have to do, suddenly there are so many more expectations. Some of them are pleasant, such as having more parties to attend or trips planned, and some are simply extra work involving locating gifts and cooking food. Meditative techniques are a great way to de-stress and recharge, especially during a period when you feel you can't afford to.

By | December 29th, 2010|Categories: Manifesting, Meditation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Manifest Meditation: A Technique to De-Stress from the Holidays and Set Intentions for the New Year