
Quick Announcement and a Favor :)

Steven and I are really close to wrapping up our long-awaited Master Class on Manifesting & Mindfulness after months of planning and years of our own trial and error. We are so excited to share it with you! But first I need to ask you a little favor… We plan on releasing our Master Class this October (I know—so soon!). But before we do, I have to ask you a couple of questions. Can you help us out? You can answer the quick questions here and learn a little more about our Master Class at this link: Thank you so

By | September 16th, 2014|Categories: Manifesting, Meditation, Random Inspiration|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Survey Results (And Getting More Money)

Last week, I sent out a survey to find out more about you and how I can best be of service here at my blog and through Coaching. I thought I would share the results with you here and some helpful tips :) Answers varied, but the overall theme seemed to be about money.  The biggest challenge listed was a need for more money, and it was also the biggest worry. You are most proud of your work, but in general it seems like work fulfillment is not leading to *enough* money. Some people said they are most excited about a

By | October 15th, 2012|Categories: Random Inspiration|Tags: , , , , |13 Comments

I Need Your Help (Feedback Survey Here)

I really need your help. I want to better serve you, and that means knowing what interests you right now, and what articles and videos you want to see at here on the blog. I am also thinking onward to next year, about creating some Group Coaching Programs and I'm planning to write my first Ebook. Your feedback is invaluable as I start to think about which topics to cover, and how I can provide the information you're looking for right now. You can help me by taking a survey I created here: To show my appreciation, I'm sending members

By | October 9th, 2012|Categories: Random Inspiration|Tags: , |Comments Off on I Need Your Help (Feedback Survey Here)