
How Do You Know if Your Belief Serves You?

A dream come true starts with the belief that a dream is possible first. But have you ever wanted something really bad and then realized that you don't want it anymore after you got it? Or maybe your dream come true really is amazing. But you thought your life would be perfect if you just had that one thing, and now you realize it isn't. There are still problems to deal with. Or you realize that it's nice to get what you want, but not particularly amazing. What seemed glittery, fascinating, and full of illusion when it was just beyond your grasp just gives you the same feeling as looking at the furniture in your living room after you get it. (Who would have thought?) Or maybe you realize that you don't want what you thought you wanted after all. Maybe you were completely mistaken in your desire, and everything you dreamed it would be was just a fantasy that has nothing to do with objective reality. Maybe by getting what you thought you wanted, you ended up with something you truly don't want at all. That's definitely happened to me before.

What are the Exact Steps for Visualizing Healing and Change?

Okay, so you know the basics of creative visualization are getting into a relaxed state and then visualizing what you would like to happen. If you'd like more information about the basic steps, you can start by reading a four part series I wrote about detailed visualization here or sign up for my newsletter to get my free ebook (where I explain more) if you haven't yet. But once you get started, a whole bunch of other questions come up. Like what exactly should you visualize for the best effect? And how long or how often should you practice visualization for? Does spending more time at it indefinitely increase the effect, or is there a tipping point? These are some questions I received from a reader recently, and I'd like to address them in today's post here.

Make Your Life a Work of Art

That new and sudden realization that you can change your life in an instant with one decision becomes clear. Maybe it's saying yes to spending time with new friends or saying yes to being invited on a trip, even if you feel anxious about leaving your comfort zone. It's that sense of realizing that you can take risks and be the orchestrator of your life in a big way for the first time. And the best part about realizing this at that age, is that you're not scared. There's a feeling of invincibility, as if the decisions don't really matter, which is both true and false.

By | February 26th, 2012|Categories: Manifesting, Random Inspiration|Tags: , |5 Comments

How to Select a Signature Fragrance

A guy I was out on a date with recently asked me which cologne for men I thought was the most attractive and sexiest one. I realized I had a lot to say on this topic and decided to share it! For those who want a quick answer, there is research to back up which scents men and women find most attractive to each other. In general, men tend to be attracted to scents like vanilla, cinnamon, and a combination of pumpkin pie and lavender (yes seriously) on women. Women, on the other hand, are most attracted to the scent of musk in men--in fact we are 1000 times more sensitive to the scent of musk than men are! There is something deeply primal about fragrance. Our sense of smell is the only sense processed directly by the brain and it's processed quickly. Other senses must travel through neurons or the spinal cord before conscious interpretation, but not scent. It goes directly to the part of the brain linked to emotion and motivation, which explains why scent can take you back to a specific memory or point in time immediately. It's why certain essential oils like mint or orange can energize and motivate you so quickly and effectively. If you've always wanted to know how to select a fragrance and use it but felt overwhelmed by the perfume counter, this article is for you. I want to share with you three steps for choosing a Signature Fragrance that inspires YOU and best conveys the message of who you are to the world.

By | January 31st, 2012|Categories: Aromatherapy, Love and Relationships, Manifesting|Tags: |1 Comment

Manifesting the Feminine Way in 2012

Yang energy is associated with heat, outward force, and masculinity, while Yin is associated with coolness, moving inward, subtlety, and femininity. Most of us approach New Year's Resolutions in a very Yang, masculine way by making a list of goals with deadlines and attempts to follow them rigidly. Setting goals is very important, but this year I invite you to call on your Yin energy and try manifesting the Feminine Way to create more balance in your manifesting process.

By | January 2nd, 2012|Categories: Manifesting|Tags: , |Comments Off on Manifesting the Feminine Way in 2012

How Detailed Does Your Visualization Need to Be? Part IV: 5 Tips for Effective Visualization

For the past month, I've been examining the question: ~How detailed do your visualizations need to be in order to be effective?~ My own personal experiences taught me that it doesn't really matter--both detailed and general approaches work! But very detailed visualizations can get sticky if they involve circumstances outside of the Self. I found this sentiment echoed by other people who shared their knowledge about visualization and manifesting. Taking all of it together, it seemed that general might be the way to go. Being general allows more possibilities to complete your end result and keeps you from getting too attached to the details. But the research I found on visualization surprised me--it seems to be more in favor of making visualizations detailed and specific. Strange! Of course, the research I found was limited to visualizations that involve only the Self, such as visualizing a specific healing process, improving physical performance, or changing personal habits (like becoming more extroverted). So taking all of this together, what is the best approach?

By | October 31st, 2011|Categories: Manifesting|Tags: , |1 Comment

How Detailed Does Your Visualization Need to Be? Part III: How Visualization Works

One of the side effects of going to school for psychology is that I'll probably always want to do a literature search to answer any lingering questions I have about behavior even if I don't have to hand in a term paper and no one is going to be checking my references. :) But the main reason for it is--wouldn't it be amazing to have actual evidence that there are techniques that really work for manifesting? Sometimes we have a hard time developing habits for things that we already know will work (like exercise)--but with something like manifesting it can be even harder, because it's somewhat ephemeral, and we're not even really sure what *it* is, even if we know it's a process. So that's what this post is all about. After sharing what my personal experiences have taught me and those of others, I want to share with you what the research shows.

How Detailed Does Your Visualization Need to Be? Part II: What I’ve Learned From Others

Shakti Gawain: Getting Clear The first book I ever read on manifesting and visualization was Shakti Gawain's "Creative Visualization." It's still my favorite book on the topic, and one of the most influential books I've ever read. I've read the book again and again many different times, and the overall feeling that I come away with is that a preference in approach regarding how detailed a visualization or a specific desire should be is not given. There is definitely a warning not to force anything and not to be too attached to the outcome. If anything, my impression is that the more detailed and specific you are, the better. I did find one statement while I was flipping through it again where Shakti says that once she has a very clear, strong intention to create a particular thing, it manifests almost immediately (often within hours or days of getting clear about it) with very little effort involved. She goes on to say this is the case after a great deal of time and energy processing before the clarity needed to be worked through is achieved.

By | October 18th, 2011|Categories: Law of Attraction, Manifesting|Tags: , |7 Comments

How Detailed Does Your Visualization Need to Be? Part I

When I first started experimenting with manifesting and visualizations, I wanted very specific things. This is normal--most of us come to this practice because we want specific things rather than general ones. In my case, I wanted a specific relationship I was in to deepen and be full of peace rather than full of drama and uncertainty. While you can never change another person's mind or behavior, it is definitely possible to affect others by changing yourself and engaging God/The Universe to shift the energy you're in and help out.

How to Invoke Your Higher Self

Do you ever dream about what you would be like if you had your ideal life? Imagine a life where you feel secure and confident, where you have your dream job, your perfect partner, or more money than you know what to do with. Or a life where you always know how to handle every difficult situation with wisdom, ease, and grace. Well, I want to share with you an epiphany I had recently about how to invoke your Higher Self, and the steps I've taken on my journey to become my Higher Self.

By | August 9th, 2011|Categories: Manifesting|Tags: , |2 Comments