Welcome to Part II Growing and Dreaming in my Make Your Dream Come True This Summer Series!

In the last video, I shared with you some tips on how to get started making a dream come true when you are truly at the very beginning, looking at a blank slate. If you haven’t watched that video yet, go back and watch that one first here.

Take a moment and picture a dream you have for your life, a deep desire you would like to see as a truth in your life right now—it could be very concrete and specific (a career goal or finding love) or very subtle (feeling happier or having a problem resolved).

How would you feel if you had exactly what you want right now?

Today I want to share with you *2 Key Insights* for taking the very first baby steps toward your dream. This is still very much about being at the beginning, figuring out exactly what you want, and bringing all your best resources together.

The first key insight is the number one thing you must do and have to make your dream a reality. The second key insight provides the solution to not having the first figured out yet. 🙂

Be sure to check out these related articles at Personal Excellence:

25 Useful Brainstorming Techniques

25 Useful Brainstorming Techniques: The Manifesto

To Get What You Want, First Admit You Want It

Know Your What First, Then Devise Your HOW

Check out Part III: Taking Action Even When You’re Freaked Out here

Leave a comment below if you have a tip for getting a more clear vision of your dream or how to keep moving when your vision and dream is still fuzzy.