
Emotional Empathy Quiz

Do you find yourself reacting easily to the moods of others around you? If so, you may be an emotional empath. Some highly sensitive people are also emotional empaths–they feel their own emotions and physical sensations more intensely than most, and also absorb those of the people around them. If you’re wondering if you could be an emotional empath, here is a quiz to find out. It was created by Dr. Judith Orloff, an Intuitive Psychiatrist who is also an emotional empath. This quiz is from her book “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life.”

Could You Be a Highly Sensitive Person? Take the Quiz!

A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is someone who has a more sensitive nervous system than most. 15-20% of the population is considered Highly Sensitive and feels physical and emotional arousal more easily. Have you ever wondered if you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, someone who truly does feel more than most?

By | February 13th, 2014|Categories: Random Inspiration, Sensitivity|Tags: , , |9 Comments

Making Magic in 2014: A Ritual

It’s that time of the year–everyone is doing their end-of-the-year reviews and planning visions for 2014! I’ve sifted through so many exercises and suggestions for starting the year off right, and I’m starting to get a feel for what works best for me. I’d love to share with you what resonates…

The Magic of Getting it Done

Steven, the Renegade Magician came to me because he wanted to start doing magic shows again—this time bigger than ever and with a stronger on line presence. He had been working on his new web site for months, and the screen shots he shared with me looked great. But he had a few key decisions to make and there was more he wanted to add… Meanwhile, he was leaving money on the table, because he didn’t have a place to send people to learn more about his unique and mesmerizing magic shows…

Synchronicity: Embracing Traditional Healing

Me about to participate in a sweat lodge ceremony in Mexico, summer of 2001 I meant to share this earlier when it happened in May, but better late than never, right? I’ve  just recently decided that I want to share little moments like this with you more often: synchronicities, lucid dream experiences, manifestations, dreams that come true, etc. These are important, because they are all part of the journey towards living a fully authentic life in your purpose. So this past May, I decided that I was finally ready to commit to six weeks of acupuncture.  I was serious, so I decided I wanted to work with Dr. Burgoon–he’s an acupuncturist who also has a background as a medical doctor.  I met him as an undergraduate at West Chester University, where I took a course with him on Traditional Chinese Medicine  in the summer of 2001.

My Top 8 Favorite Juicy Reasons to Meditate

So in my last blog post I talked about The Top 4 Most Common Excuses to Avoid Meditating. Now I’d like to share what really motivates me to meditate, when it seems like there are so many other important things I have to do instead. There are many benefits to meditating, but I want to share with you my personal favorites:

Surrendering to “Vacation Work” in Cape May

By | August 13th, 2013|Categories: Random Inspiration|Tags: , , , |23 Comments

Interview With Patricia Gozlan: Beginner’s Tips for Using Law of Attraction

I am so excited to share with you my first time hosting an interview! Last weekend, I had the pleasure of interviewing Prosperity Coach, Patricia Gozlan about using the law of attraction to pursue desires and make them a reality (you may remember her from a video I shared awhile back called How to Use Creative Visualization: Mistake #3).  We talked about the basics here, so if you’re new to the idea of law of attraction, this is for you! Even if you’re already familiar with the concept, I think you’ll enjoy this interivew, as Patricia has some unique perspectives and tips to share. Even after all the reading and experimenting I’ve done with the law of attraction, it always helps me to take a step back and be reminded of the basics too. Plus her energy about this topic is warm, enthusiastic, and contagious! A few highlights she shares in this interview: * A brilliant exercise you can try if you’re a skeptic (love this one!) * How to create the ideal mindset for using law of attraction effortlessly * Some common mistakes people make when first using the law of attraction and what to do instead * How law of attraction can be used in business and career

Night Magic: Create Solutions in Your Dreams

Have you ever heard the saying: “Sleep on it and you’ll feel better in the morning”? Well it’s true– a good night sleep full of restorative dreams makes everything seem easier to deal with… It’s also an opportunity to tap into your intuition to solve problems and arrive at creative solutions. You may even receive additional information you don’t have access to as easily in waking life. In this video, I share 3 Steps for using what I call Night Magic, or Dreamwork  to receive inspiration and answers to assist you with whatever your heart is working through…

Procrastinating? 3 Tips for Taking Action in the Present

Today I want to introduce you to guest poster and former client of mine, Jessica Gonzalez (aka Jica Gonz)! Jessica came to see me, because she wanted to optimize her blog and explore the possibility of using it as a platform for a future career in personal development. I think she is absolutely amazing and highly motivated, because she started learning about blogging and on line marketing while she was in high school! Of course, technology was different when I was in high school, but I wish I had started then! Here Jessica shares why it’s so important to have a clear goal in mind and start taking small actionable steps based on her own experiences–enjoy!